Dying & Rebirth – Grillo Health Information Stahl Lecture

This Panel Discussion is thanks to the Stahl Lecture Series of the Grillo Center.  It happened in April 2013, and it addressed the cycle of life, and how to find meaning, through contraction and expansion, in your everyday life.  It featured medical, psychological, and spiritual innovators.  They invited attendees to explore the Mystery of Death and Rebirth – Where does the integration of science and spirituality occur with dying?  How does our relationship with fear determine how we live?  What can the aging process and death teach us?   Can we find a sense of ease about the on-going, daily death–rebirth cycle?

Our Panel Presenters:

Ilene Naomi Rusk, PhD –  Neurobehavioral Brain and Behavior Clinic – TOPIC:  The neuroscience of dying – How Jewish tradition sits with death.

2013-04 Grillo Dying Rebirth Ilene Naomi Rusk from shelley schlender on Vimeo.

Lorell Frysh, PhD East-West Psychology – TOPIC:  Dying and Rebirth from the perspective of the world’s great mystical traditions with particular focus on reincarnation as a past life regression therapist.

<iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/65114073″ width=”500″ height=”281″ frameborder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/65114073″>2013-04 Grillo Dying Rebirth Lorell Frysh</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user16100300″>shelley schlender</a> on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>

Robert Caplan – Chaplain – Counsels life transitions, including returning veterans.  TOPIC:  personal story of his own journey through death and rebirth.

2013-04 Grillo Dying Rebirth Robert Caplan from shelley schlender on Vimeo.

Andrew Holecek, DDS – Author of books on meditation and death and dying.   TOPIC:  How to prepare for death from the Tibetan Buddhist perspective.

2013-04-23 Grillo Dying Rebirth Andrew Holecek from shelley schlender on Vimeo.

Rohini Kanniganti, MD – Integrative Medicine: belonging to the cycles of nature.  TOPIC:  How you can experience meaningfulness in your own life.