During regular class


Here is a video about making salsa during regular class, as part of a nutrition lesson.  Part of the story was recorded IN the classroom, and part of the story was recorded during the class, but with a small group of reporters who stepped into the hallway where it was quieter.

Regular classtime works well if your teacher likes the idea of doing EatYourRadio as part of the class.  Here are some options for when to do it:

On a regular schedule:  Ask your teacher if he or she thinks it would work the best to set a schedule that works well for the class and is easier for everyone to remember.  For instance, “EatYourRadio will be on Thursdays, right after lunch, from 12:45 – 1:45.  We’ll do EatYourRadio for 6 weeks, starting October 15th.  We will have 4 reporters each week, and the reporters will rotate each week and be a different group, and work on a different project.   . . . OR . . . “We will pick 8 students who want to be reporters, and they’ll work on radio reporting all 6 weeks.”  (Note that many, many students like to be reporters, so it’s best to find ways to include more of them sometimes, either by being interviewed, being editors, being drawers, etc.)

For a special in-class project.   Maybe your class is planning to do a special project that would be good to record.  You can plan ahead with EatYourRadio to do the project with student reporters in the class.

Q:  When should students stay IN the class, and when should they be taken out the the class?

A:  Be IN the class when a hands-on health project is happening IN the class.  EatYourRadio reporters are great at working in a class that’s allowing some discussion among the students during the class, and when there are students doing something active.  Active can mean preparing a food recipe, or doing an exercise, or getting together to plan a field trip about health.  In this kind of class, it’s great to assign one reporter to record the teacher’s instructions and the teacher helping students.  It’s good to have another reporter milling quietly among the students and getting their comments as they work together.  It’s good to have yet another reporter just quietly recording their thoughts as they watch and learn.  A hands-on project has a lot of sound happening, so read our tips about recording at a live event.

A:  Be OUT of the class when 1-3 students are doing a independent project that includes narration, songs or more focused conversations.  If your teacher knows that some students can be “borrowed” for a while, then the EatYourRadio team can go someplace quiet to work independently on a special project.  For this, think ahead about where in your school might be a quiet place.