ROCK – Go, go power Rangers! Go, Go, Rock-a-Rock Rock. My name is Rock. I’m a fifth grader and it’s nice to be a fifth grader. Very fun, too.
MARIA – My name is Maria. It’s really fun being a fifth grader, especially being in the Eat Your Radio Project.
Veggies Veggies song.
ROCK AND MARIA – We’re singing about veggies. I love carrots. Yeah, peas and brocolli.
ROBERT – No! The vegetables are green!

ROCK – Robert’s just teasing. We know Robert. He loves vegetables.
ROBERT & OTHERS – Chicken wings . . . Song . . . You really need vegetables.
ROCK – He’s singing about Chicken wings because I think he loves hot cheetos.
KIDS MEDLEY – Hot Cheetoes!
ROCK AND MARIA – We really love hot cheetos. Us kids, we’re serious about our hot cheetos. They’re these hot flaming potato chips.
MARIA – The ingredients are enriched corn meal, nefarious vegetables, I don’t know what that is. I want to skip that one. Salt, modified food scratch, buttermilk, solids, tomatoes.
ROCK AND MARIA – We eat hot cheetos almost every day we come to snack. At least one person brings hot cheetos. Yeah, one person has to bring at least one hot cheetoes bag, a day. They’re not healthy. They might not be good for you but the reason we eat them is they’re just awesome. 75 to 80 percent love hot cheetoes. I’m not kidding. If you had brought hot cheetos here, you would be going home with no hot cheato bag.
ISMAEL – My name is Ismael and I’m a fifth grader at Ashley. Some people bring hot cheetoes but they don’t share with me. Except for Maria. She shares with me, sometimes. They usually share with their friends, but I’m not anyone’s friends.
KIDS TALKING ABOUT NO SHARING – They don’t share stuff with us. Especially that dude, he brings that snack here, nobody shares in there. They all keep it to themselves.
JA’KYRA and Ja’LEAH – My name is JaKyra. My name is JaLeah. We are all from Ashley in the radio group. We would not be okay having less hot cheetoes because I like hot cheetoes a lot. A little bit I’d be okay, but sometimes I’d be missing them. Like they would have like they’d be healthy like carrots but they’d taste like the regular hot cheetoes.
ROCK – If you had brought hot cheetos and these vegetables, we would have to eat the hot cheetos first because these kids, they like bringing all this other stuff last.
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