Laughter and the Mind

Grillo Health Information – Introduction by Johnny Daurio (LISTEN) Overview of Presentations – Dr. Rohini Kanniganti (LISTEN) Joel Warner, Author – The Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny. (LISTEN)      Barry Erdman, LCSW, DCSW – Barry is a psychotherapist in private practice and a critical incident response consultant. His expertise focuses on … Read more

Hot Lunch vs Sack Lunch

Three years ago, Boulder Valley Schools hired the world renowned “Renegade Lunch Lady” Chef Ann Cooper, to make school lunches among the healthiest in the nation.  They even surpass the new USDA guidelines.  They’re free of additives and made from scratch by acclaimed local chefs who want kids to really like  healthy food.  More students do choose the hot lunches now than they did three years ago, when school food was full of sugar and additives and other junk.  But 60% of students still prefer packed lunches, and some of those packed lunches hold a lot of junk.  How do students think we can make healthy food be  more popular?

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